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Sunday, May 10, 2020

Why do we shake hands while talking? Interesting revelations in the light of modern research by experts

You have often seen in speech contests that the speaker not only tries to impress the audience with his words but also his body language is very important which he uses to make his speech more in front of the audience. It can be presented effectively. This is what is seen in some political rallies where politicians wave their speeches and some of them even break the mic in their emotions.

The question is, without physical activity, can't we reach our listeners better with just words? According to the research done in this regard, the language spoken and the bodily movements go hand in hand.

According to a survey, the world's most famous and well-known fat visual speakers use their body movements four to five hundred times during their speeches, and this is done to convey their message effectively, as opposed to the prescribed body movements. The graph of their popularity is low.

According to research, the use of hands and body while talking is based on some important reasons which are as follows.

According to research, the use of hands and body while talking is based on some important reasons which are as follows.

1: Our body plays an important role in our thinking process.

Psychologist Kanze Gomin says that even physical movements are in fact an important means of communication and with their help the most difficult things can be easily conveyed to the people. In this regard, he also said that our brain A special part controls the movement of our hands according to the movement of the body.

2: Physical movements are a means of expressing emotions.

"Sometimes our words and our gestures don't go hand in hand," says Kanze Gomin. If they do but cannot stop their body from expressing it, then it shows that physical expression is a means of expressing emotions.

3: Physical movements also have their own language.

Physical movements also have their own language, which can be used to express their meaning, and they are used to better understand what is being said in the middle of a conversation.

4: Children's education is more helpful than words.

Physical movements also play an important role in children's learning and their movements are preserved before words in their memory which speeds up their learning process.

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